Are you living your day to day life according to what brings you joy or are you just living the routine of life day to day and not even thinking about if you are truly fulfilled or not?
The sad fact is that many are living this way and have not given a moments thought to what truly brings them fulfilment in life.
Your career, your relationships with others, your upkeep of your health, what you eat, how much sleep you get, your home, your environment, your faith, your mindset...these all play a huge part in the life you live and whether you are happy or not.
Settling for what is, is not living a lifestyle chosen by you. It's just settling.
Living where you are and dreaming of living somewhere else every single day and not doing something about it, is not living a fulfilled life.
Eager for a more energetic space with more free time to cook and look after your health through fitness but just imagining what that would be like, is not living a fulfilled life.
Being in a relationship that you are no longer happy in, but choose to stay in due to financial stability is not living a fulfilled life.
You need to face the truth. If any of these things speak to you, you are not living the lifestyle you truly want to live and that is down to the decision that you have chosen to make.
No one is to blame for the lifestyle you choose. If you know you want more and to live a better quality of life, you need to take action.
Staying stuck and 'putting up' only results in illness, unhealthy mindset, lack of productivity, loneliness and withdrawn feelings. It can also result in trying to control others to stay with you in the 'stuckness' that you have created. After all - Misery loves company.
So think about it for a moment - Are you truly living the lifestyle you want and if not, what do YOU have to do to change this for the better?
Don't just think about it, take action as you begin to realise what needs changing. Get proactive and implement what is needed to begin again and gift yourself a better quality of life.
If what I have said in this blog has resonated with you and you need support in making the changes necessary, email me for a FREE 30 min consultation and lets look at things honestly together to get the ball rolling in the direction you truly want to go in.