Rita has been in this field for over 21 years. as well as being a certified Life Coach, she is also a Consultant, Educator, Speaker, certified Nirvana Fitness Instructor and host of her own podcast show The Body, Mind, Spirit Show.
In 2020 Rita certified as a Deepak Chopra
certified Meditation Teacher.
Rita has a huge passion for helping individuals believe in God and themselves, connect within and break through the limits that hold them back. She also has a huge passion to help individuals live their purpose and create an awesome lifestyle.
Having suffered with social anxiety, depression and lack of confidence in her teens and early twenties, she embarked on a journey of self discovery, to help her through this. Her fears took over her life and often left her deflated and hiding away from others and the opportunities that would have made her happier and living a more fulfilled life during this period.
Both work and school life were a huge struggle for Rita growing up, but a calling to a deeper connection with God, pathed the way for Rita to discover her hidden strength and begin to open up to the confidence that was lying within her and helped her build the confidence that was needed.
Today, Rita is an ambassador of confidence, and inner strength and keeps growing to help as many as she can through these struggles to discover that power for themselves too.
She encourages individuals to embrace who they are internally and externally, think big, never lose sight of their faith and make the impossible, Possible!
Her clientele includes Business Owners, Corporate Companies Entrepreneurs, Tech Professionals, Casting Directors, Actors, Writers, Singers, Music Producers and those in the financial sector amongst others based in the UK and globally.
Rita is also certified Advanced Level 5 Recruitment Consultant and has extensive experience and skills in the field of career and recruitment. She has helped many professionals make the transition into running their own business as well as helping others find that employment that fills them with joy as they finally get to do what they love.
She has also coached for the National Health Service in
the UK and worked with those who have suffered from depression and anxiety,
helping them back into employment or business and to gain confidence.
She was selected as one of a total of 500 companies, Entrepreneurs, Influential Leaders and Small Business Owners worldwide recognised for their entrepreneurial success, achievements and dedication to help others. This list included Gary Vynerchuck, Jay Shetty, Kamala Harris and many more influential people.
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