Uplevel Your Career & Eliminate Self Doubts that block you from success.

So you have achieved success in your career so far, but you need more. You feel stuck doing the same thing day in and day out and you feel you are ready to uplevel your career, but you just don’t know where to start and feel a little uncertain whether you can succeed in achieving the success that you long for. Well that is about to change.

Let Me Tell You More.

Check out my video message to tell you more about why what you are currently doing is not working and how you can change this.

The Promise.

In 4-weeks only, you will learn the mindset and confidence tools that will help you take back control of your career, eliminate the beliefs and negative blocks that hold you back, have the clarity of what action steps you need to take to achieve your career goals and gain a new perspective on life as a whole and what is needed to have a truly happy and fulfilling career, which will have a positive impact on your personal life as a result.


"Coach Rita Hurry has completely changed my life around in the time I've been working with her. I had zero confidence and was trying to deal with leaving a long term job and transition to making a living as an artist. Through EFT, Law of Attraction and Rita carefully guiding me through heaps of issues, I'm well on my way to achieving my goals and making my career work. I feel stronger and more authentic as a person and this definitely wouldn't have happened without her, I'm so grateful she came into my life at exactly the right time"!

Becky - Artist UK

"My sessions with Coach Rita Hurry have helped me make life-changing decisions in different areas of my life. Through her sessions, I have realised qualities in myself that I've been unable to unpack on my own.

She has great listening skills and is easy to share ideas with. If you are thinking about taking steps down a new path she'll certainly guide you in the right direction.

Thanks Rita".

Darren - Music Composer UK


I invite you to have a complimentary intro call with me to discuss where you are currently, what you are looking for and receive a little coaching and clarity from myself and more info about the 4-week programme.

To book click the button below.