Being Spiritual

Being Spiritual is not just found in the new age circle but can be found in religion very profoundly. Without the spiritual aspect, you cannot draw closer to God and understand His guidance.

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Being Spiritual

Being Spiritual

I remember back not too long ago, being spiritual meant following the new age practices along with meditation and yoga (btw I don't have any problems with yoga).

Now for me,  it means a whole different thing - I still meditate and I am an attendee of an online Christian Meditation circle every week, which really lifts me spiritually, as I need this for when I help others in their own personal journey in their life. 

My spiritual life now, is being still with God in meditation, praying, building my connection with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to guide me, Bible reading, declaring over myself and journal writing.

Through this change I feel so guided and clarity and peace takes over. It's way more blissful.

Many think that when someone follows a religion they become practical minded and the spiritually  is  gone. This is not true. 

Spirituality is not necessarily bohemian, it is a bigger part of my life right now, since I have come back to God.

This is because it is not mind - body - spirit but is SPIRIT - MIND - BODY.

Our first element is spirit. The spirit is the ruler of us and when we follow this we open ourselves to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit more so, to ensure we deepen our relationship, as God speaks to our spirit, not our soul (mind).

Sound strange? It is a new way of looking at the ethos of mind, body, spirit - but I will explain in a later blog post or if you sign up to one of my faith-led programmes you will get to experience this for yourself.

So, I want you to know that being spiritual doesn't mean the woo-woo way of living. It's so much more than this. That's just a man-made concept. This spiritual lifestyle is based on God and God alone, with the focus on Him through the Holy Spirit.

Have you learnt something that you want to know more about?

Would you benefit from having a private faith-led 1:1 mentoring programme to help you become more spiritual in your faith?

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