Guard Yourself

Don't let yourself be controlled by those that do not have your best interests at heart.

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Guard Yourself

Guard Yourself

It's a sad fact that there are a few people who put on a mask every single day. They act one way in front of others and another way in front of you and those they are 'supposedly' close to. The lifestyle they live is not what they portray on Social Media.
This is scary but true and the reason I bring this to your attention today, is because I want you to safe guard yourself from these people and learn to tap into your intuition to 'keep distance' from them.
Your intuition will let you know who these people are and the more you become self aware, the more clearly it will be to see them and to avoid.
Energy speaks a thousand words and as an Energy Healer myself I can read exactly what is happening at any given time through social media, in person, messages and phone calls.

You gotta value you and your energy space always and steer clear from the energy vampires that rain on your parade and lurk in the background...watching.

This is something that I want to bring to your attention as it is never spoken about and I feel now is the time. 

Your life is about you. Become more self aware and allow yourself to tap into your intuition often, so you can cut the cords from those that aren't being real with you.

Life is precious and it's too short to have negative energy surrounding you daily. 

Don't be afraid to let go and move on and be your awesome self.

If this post has intrigued you and you want to learn more about how you can build your intuition level and become more self aware, contact me and book a free call.