The Health perspective

Why Do I come from the health aspect when helping professionals and entrepreneurs upskill and uplevel in their career?

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The Health perspective

The Health perspective

If you have followed my work and my social media posts for a while, you will notice that one of the common themes I do have running through my posts and my work are often related to health as well as career and business.

Why is this? 

Well because it all goes hand in hand. If you are not healthy and you don't look after your health and wellbeing, you risk sabotaging your productivity in your career and increase the risk of stress taking its toll on you. It also can result in making bad decisions about your career and remaining in a situation because you feel you can't change things career wise, due to increased lack of confidence and self doubt.

I have seen this happen, especially when professionals are so busy and have a stressful job, that the first thing they neglect is their health, even though not getting sick is the best way to make sure you do get things done, which will ease the stress.

Your health matters.

Your career matters.

You cannot neglect one without impacting the other. You need to be whole and on point in mind, body and spirit, so taking care of all 3 elements is important if you want to be productive and succeed in your chosen career.

You take your body with you to your place of work, to your business, to your meetings etc, so it makes sense to look after it.

Quit neglecting your attention to your health and your career as it all impacts both your personal and professional life.